There are some meals that many associate with special occasions. Dishes like these often require a great deal of time and effort to do just right, so you won’t see them as your typical weeknight dinner. Many recipes fit this definition, but one dish that many save for important dinners is Beef Wellington. While many food lovers today think of famous chef Gordon Ramsay when they think of the Wellington, it’s been popular for years, and no one is exactly sure of how long it’s been around.
Where did this meal that many home chefs struggle with get its start? Despite its popularity, the history of Beef Wellington is not that clear.
What is Beef Wellington?
Anyone interested in classic cuisine and fine dining has heard of Beef Wellington, but some might not be familiar with exactly what it is. It is made from beef tenderloin wrapped in pâté, duxelles, parma ham, and then finally wrapped in puff pastry. This process can be extremely time-consuming, but for chefs who know what they’re doing, this dish will impress anyone. Wellington is also difficult to make as you want to ensure that the tenderloin is fully done but not overdone, while also ensuring the puff pastry stays light and airy, rather than getting soggy.
Where Does Beef Wellington Get Its Name?
England is well-known for many meat dishes wrapped in puff pastry, so it’s not surprising that it is a popular English recipe. Most people believe that it was named after Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. Wellesley is famous for drafting Napoleon at Waterloo and serving as prime minister twice. However, there’s no proof that shows any connection between Wellesley and the dish. Some say that the meal was named after Wellesley because it was his favorite, others think his chef created the dish, and some even believe it got its name because it resembled a Wellington boot.
Is It Really English?
It’s common for many famous recipes to have been inspired by other existing dishes. While many view the dish as a quintessential English meal, others argue that it actually originated in France and was later renamed. The French have a similar dish, Filet de Boeuf en Croûte, that some believe it was based on and named after Wellington in honor of his successful military career during the Napoleonic Wars. Although the dishes are very alike, there is no evidence to show that this is where Beef Wellington got its name.
American Popularity
English culinary history has many dishes like Beef Wellington, but this recipe gained significant popularity in America during the mid 20th century. Julia Child helped to make this dish famous in America when she prepared it on her TV show, The French Chef. Beef Wellington was also a favorite of Richard Nixon, which he served at state dinners.
Come to Bank+Vine for Expertly Prepared Beef Wellington
Beef Wellington has maintained its popularity over the years, even if there’s no clear source for where exactly it originated from. Few meals are better than a well-made Beef Wellington, and you can order this off our menu at Bank+Vine today. Made with only high-quality ingredients and prepared by our expert staff, you can come to Bank+Vine to see why Beef Wellington has been featured on so many important dinner tables over the years.
Make your reservations for our restaurant in Wilkes-Barre today to try this and many other amazing meals.